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Business Resilience Decoded Podcast

Focus Your Business on Showcasing Proven Marketing Channels

Podcast Advertising/Sponsorship

Business Resilience Decoded is a multimedia partnership between DisasterRecovery Journal and Asfalis Advisors to educate, inform, and inspire business continuity professionals globally. 


The podcast features short, informative conversations with some of the brightest minds in business continuity and related fields. Vanessa Vaughn Mathews gives our guests a comfortable space to provide insight to a large network of business professionals.


Our imaginative outlook and strong relationships with hundreds of expert speakers, authors, vendors, consultants, and practitioners put BusinessResilience Decoded at the forefront of the business podcast industry. Our goal is an informed resilience industry — one challenged and invigorated by a deeper understanding and appreciation of critical events and trending ideas.

Our industry is rooted in relationships. Our goal is to build a strong relationship between our engaged listeners and our sponsors. If you’re ready to start, here are the next steps:


  1. Email Bob Arnold with your inquiry.
  2. He will reach out and set up a call with you to see if we’d be a good fit to work together.
  3. You select a sponsorship package and we get to work on content!

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